Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Well, it's the night before the early opener of the VA duck season. I have to go to class tomorrow afternoon, but I had the perfect opportunity to go duck hunting in the a.m. HAD being the key word there. The property that I am moving to this month has a duck blind on it, and there are some ducks there. The company I work for sold the property to my landlord, and in the talks of renting the place, I made it clear that am not going to move in unless I can hunt it. Well, now that the lease is signed, things have changed. Originally my boss and I wanted to hunt tomorrow morning because we have to work out on that property the rest of the day. We got shut out because that is the "only" blind the VP of the company has to duck hunt. I guess if you don't count the awesome tidal wetland blind on the potomac the company has and the major wetlands we have created on a private owners land, who doesn't allow anyone to hunt, except for the VP. So, we asked if he wanted to hunt together, but he's hunting in the afternoon. We can't because of class. Well, today, I hear that he's hunting in the am. Did he have the common courtesy to ask if we would join him? Nope! I actually thought he was a decent guy. I guess I haven't stuck my nose up his ass like some other people in the company. Don't mistake this as jealousy, trust me I will never be jealous of anyone who has to degrade themselves or diminish their personal life to earn a friendship. I've been noticing this phenomenon around me a lot lately.

Bitch number two:
I've been patterning about 30-40 deer on my only place to deer hunt regularly. They have been set in their patterns for two weeks now. I was fully planning on their patterns to change as fall got closer, but I assumed the does would continue at least through this Sat which is the bow opener. Sat night I glassed and found everything to be okay. Sunday I committed to hanging a stand to shoot this nice 120-130 buck. Well, sure enough, the landowner moved about 40 cows/bulls, and a half dozen horses into the field. There was one spike within range of my stand on sunday night, and that is it, not a single deer visible in any of the fields that I can hunt or the neighboring fields for that matter. I don't know what I am going to do, except maybe go back to where I shot my buck last year, but I even think that place maybe a shutout. I noticed the tenent has moved out, and the landowner has told me I have to ask the tenent for permission. I guess if the for rent sign is up, I'm still good to go. He doesn't have a problem with it, as long as the tenents don't, and if there are no tenents, then I assume there is no problem. I am pissed, I think I gotta stop ranting now.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld


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